One Stop Solutions for Premium Natural Ingredients to your Formulations in Functional Food Processing, Herbal & Nutraceuticals.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” was quoted by Hippocrates in 400 BC, which holds true in today’s world as well. The importance of food and nutrition in disease pathophysiology and prevention was never in doubt. Significance of right nutrition is ever increasing especially with the increasing trend of lifestyle-related diseases and novel infectious diseases these days. Focus of public health is moving from “curative” intent to “preventive” one. Although patients are pondering over the importance of food in both causing and relieving their problems, clinicians’ knowledge of nutrition is still limited. Most feel much more comfortable with drugs than foods, and the “food as medicine” philosophy of Hippocrates has been largely neglected. However, that attitude is changing over the last decade and the focus on “nutraceuticals” is ever-rising.

Nutraceutical is a nutritional supplement that has been created with the goal of curing or preventing disease. They come in a wider variety, starting with isolated nutrients and moving on to dietary supplements, processed foods, and even genetically altered designer foods. Potentially, nutritional supplements can improve health. It even slows down the ageing process and protects against chronic illnesses, extending life expectancy. The compounds used to prevent illness. These compounds are utilised for health purposes in addition to nourishment. Nutraceutical is a full food item or a portion of it that has health and medical advantages for us, and is therefore utilized to prevent sickness.

General Keys to your basics

Nutrients – Compounds known as nutrients, which include fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, have been shown to have nutritional roles. This includes various natural antioxidants, probiotics, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and dietary fibre.

Herbals – Since the beginning of time, people have used herbs as all-natural cures for a wide range of illnesses. Herbs naturally have the power to treat sickness and can be useful to humans, according to the conventional medical paradigm. Numerous studies have looked at the biological activity and toxicity of chemical elements found in plants. Among the phytochemicals in this class are herbal and botanic stuff.

Green tea is a key ingredient in enhancing both humoral and cell-mediated immunity. Strong antioxidant properties are present in it. In addition to phenolic chemicals, sulphur compounds, pigments, various phytoconstituents, including terpenoids, herbs may also include whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. These are diverse herbal and botanical extracts and concentrations.

Dietary supplements – These include compounds with specialised purposes, such as meal replacements, weight loss aids, and sports nutrition, such as pyruvate, chondroitin sulphate, and other substances obtained from diverse sources. Dietary fibre is sometimes referred to as bulk and roughage. The body has a hard time digesting plant portions known as roughages. Fruits, vegetables, bean products, whole grains, and legumes are incredibly high in dietary fiber. It is important to avoid or treat constipation as soon as possible. Fibers come in two varieties: soluble and insoluble.

List of products We Serve

Natural Spray Dried Powders

Vegetable Powder Product
Tomato Powder
Lemon Powder
Spray dried Green Chilly Powder
Spray dried Spinach Powder
Spray dried Garlic Powder
Spray dried Ginger Powder
Tamarind Powder
Dairy & Specialty Products
Honey Powder
Cheese Powder
Curd Powder
Yoghurt Powder
Jaggery Powder



Dehydrated Products
Chili Powder
Garlic Powder
Coriander Powder
Mint Powder
Ginger Powder



Fibers / Flakes / Millets / Sprouts
Flours / Low Carb Flours
Soya Fibers
Wheat Fibers
Oats Fibers
Jowar / Sorghum
Bajra / Pearl Millets
Moong / Green Gram Beans
Tuver / pigeon peas
Mutter / Green Peas
Massor / Red Lentil
Jav / Barley
Fruit Powder
Ripe Mango Powder
Raw Mango Powder
Orange Powder
Tamarind Powder
Pineapple Powder
Pomegranate Powder
Ripe Banana Powder
Papaya Powder
Strawberry Powder
Guava Powder
Apple Powder


Natural Colors
Caramel Powder
Annatto Powder
Beetroot Powder



Protein Powders
Defatted Peanuts Powder
Soy protein Isolate 90 %
Soy Concentrate protein 70 %




Herbal Powders

  • Ashwagandha / Withania somnifera
  • Shatavri / Asparagus racemosus 
  • Safed Musli / Chlorophytum borivilianum 
  • Vidarikand / Pueraria tuberosa 
  • Harde Powders / Terminalia chebula 
  • Baval Chall / Babool bark 
  • Arjun Bark / Terminalia arjuna 
  • Adusa / Justicia adhatoda 
  • Seedless Amla Powder / Phyllanthus emblica 
  • Baheda / Terminalia bellirica 
  • Giloy / Tinospora cordifolia 
  • Gokhru / Tribulus terrestris 
  • Neem Powder / Azadirachta indica A 
  • Moringa leaves Powder / Moringa oleifera 
  • Drum Stick Powder / Moringa oleifera 

Cold Press peanut Oils

Defatted Peanut Protein Powder

    One Stop Solutions for Premium Natural Ingredients to your Formulations in Functional Food Processing, Herbal & Nutraceuticals.

    “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” was quoted by Hippocrates in 400 BC, which holds true in today’s world as well. The importance of food and nutrition in disease pathophysiology and prevention was never in doubt. Significance of right nutrition is ever increasing especially with the increasing trend of lifestyle-related diseases and novel infectious diseases these days. Focus of public health is moving from “curative” intent to “preventive” one. Although patients are pondering over the importance of food in both causing and relieving their problems, clinicians’ knowledge of nutrition is still limited. Most feel much more comfortable with drugs than foods, and the “food as medicine” philosophy of Hippocrates has been largely neglected. However, that attitude is changing over the last decade and the focus on “nutraceuticals” is ever-rising.

    Nutraceutical is a nutritional supplement that has been created with the goal of curing or preventing disease. They come in a wider variety, starting with isolated nutrients and moving on to dietary supplements, processed foods, and even genetically altered designer foods. Potentially, nutritional supplements can improve health. It even slows down the ageing process and protects against chronic illnesses, extending life expectancy. The compounds used to prevent illness. These compounds are utilised for health purposes in addition to nourishment. Nutraceutical is a full food item or a portion of it that has health and medical advantages for us, and is therefore utilized to prevent sickness.

    General Keys to your basics

    Nutrients – Compounds known as nutrients, which include fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, have been shown to have nutritional roles. This includes various natural antioxidants, probiotics, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and dietary fibre.

    Herbals – Since the beginning of time, people have used herbs as all-natural cures for a wide range of illnesses. Herbs naturally have the power to treat sickness and can be useful to humans, according to the conventional medical paradigm. Numerous studies have looked at the biological activity and toxicity of chemical elements found in plants. Among the phytochemicals in this class are herbal and botanic stuff.

    Green tea is a key ingredient in enhancing both humoral and cell-mediated immunity. Strong antioxidant properties are present in it. In addition to phenolic chemicals, sulphur compounds, pigments, various phytoconstituents, including terpenoids, herbs may also include whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. These are diverse herbal and botanical extracts and concentrations.

    Dietary supplements – These include compounds with specialised purposes, such as meal replacements, weight loss aids, and sports nutrition, such as pyruvate, chondroitin sulphate, and other substances obtained from diverse sources. Dietary fibre is sometimes referred to as bulk and roughage. The body has a hard time digesting plant portions known as roughages. Fruits, vegetables, bean products, whole grains, and legumes are incredibly high in dietary fiber. It is important to avoid or treat constipation as soon as possible. Fibers come in two varieties: soluble and insoluble.

    List of products We Serve

    Natural Spray Dried Powders

    Vegetable Powder Product
    Tomato Powder
    Lemon Powder
    Spray dried Green Chilly Powder
    Spray dried Spinach Powder
    Spray dried Garlic Powder
    Spray dried Ginger Powder
    Tamarind Powder
    Dairy & Specialty Products
    Honey Powder
    Cheese Powder
    Curd Powder
    Yoghurt Powder
    Jaggery Powder
    Fruit Powder
    Ripe Mango Powder
    Raw Mango Powder
    Orange Powder
    Tamarind Powder
    Pineapple Powder
    Pomegranate Powder
    Ripe Banana Powder
    Papaya Powder
    Strawberry Powder
    Guava Powder
    Apple Powder
    Protein Powders
    Defatted Peanuts Powder
    Soy protein Isolate 90 %
    Soy Concentrate protein 70 %
    Dehydrated Products
    Chili Powder
    Garlic Powder
    Coriander Powder
    Mint Powder
    Ginger Powder
    Natural Colors
    Caramel Powder
    Annatto Powder
    Beetroot Powder
    Fibers / Flakes / Millets / Sprouts
    Flours / Low Carb Flours
    Soya Fibers
    Wheat Fibers
    Oats Fibers
    Jowar / Sorghum
    Bajra / Pearl Millets
    Moong / Green Gram Beans
    Tuver / pigeon peas
    Mutter / Green Peas
    Massor / Red Lentil
    Jav / Barley

    Herbal Powders

    • Ashwagandha / Withania somnifera
    • Shatavri / Asparagus racemosus 
    • Safed Musli / Chlorophytum borivilianum 
    • Vidarikand / Pueraria tuberosa 
    • Harde Powders / Terminalia chebula 
    • Baval Chall / Babool bark 
    • Arjun Bark / Terminalia arjuna 
    • Adusa / Justicia adhatoda 
    • Seedless Amla Powder / Phyllanthus emblica 
    • Baheda / Terminalia bellirica 
    • Giloy / Tinospora cordifolia 
    • Gokhru / Tribulus terrestris 
    • Neem Powder / Azadirachta indica A 
    • Moringa leaves Powder / Moringa oleifera 
    • Drum Stick Powder / Moringa oleifera 

    Cold Press peanut

    Defatted Peanut Protein Powder